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At Wootton Bassett Infants’ School we deliver mathematics through the National Curriculum Objectives for years one and two. In EYFS (reception) we deliver mathematics through Development Matters and the Early Learning Goals.  The primary aim is to deliver a curriculum that not only develops mathematical understanding but also develops and nurtures the love of maths

This is achieved by ensuring lessons are practical, purposeful, differentiated and fun. We follow the National Centre for Excellence in Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM) programme for maths teaching in all year groups.  encouraged for all class teachers. We follow the mastery approach and use stem sentences, Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs) with the use of manipulatives (practical resources). 

In our school we follow the Maths fluency programme from the NCETM. This is a short session where children consolidate their number skills using manipulatives to demonstrate fluency in calculation and a confidence and flexibility with number.  

In our reception classes the children follow the NCETM maths fluency programme for EYFS as their main maths lessons and in Key Stage 1 the children have an extra maths fluency session in the afternoon in addition to their maths lessons, which are taught in year groups.

Manipulatives (practical resources)

There are a wide range of resources within the school to support every aspects of maths learning.  These are used by all children in the class, not just those who need additional help with maths.  We recognise that it is beneficial for all children to use these manipulatives to aid their mathematical understanding.  These can include:

Number lines

Number tracks

Tens frames


Geo boards

Bead strings

Number fans


Double sided counters

Place value cards



