Come to our Open Evening - Monday 4th November 6-7pm

Pupil Premium

Applying for Pupil Premium

Our school receives considerable extra funding for children who are entitled to free school meals.  In an infants’ school where the children all receive a free school meal anyway, there is less incentive to apply to be eligible for free school meals.  However, if a child is eligible for free school meals, parents are not expected to pay for school trips or to contribute if we have visitors in the school such as a puppet show.  These can all be covered by the contribution we receive as pupil premium.  Your child will also be eligible for free school milk after their fifth birthday.

If you think your child may be eligible for pupil premium (if you are on Income Support, Job Seekers Allowance, Income Related Employment and Support Allowance, Support from the National Asylum Support Service, the guarantee of State Pension Credit, Child Tax Credit with an income of no more than £16,190, Working Tax Credit run-on or Universal Credit) you can apply for Pupil Premium using this link  Applying for Pupil Premium

If need any assistance completing the form, please speak to the School Office who will be than happy to help.

Pupil Premium Strategy (end of 2023/24) Reviewed September 2024

Pupil Premium Strategy 2023-2024

RWB Food Collective Distribution

The RWB Food Collective are available to help support families who may be struggling providing or purchasing food.

They are open every Monday from 1-3pm at The Croft, adjacent to St Bartholomew’s Church,  RWB. 

You can email or phone 01793 853272

FUEL Summer Camp 2024