Come to our Open Evening - Monday 4th November 6-7pm


As a maintained school, we do not charge for admissions. However there may be some voluntary contributions asked for as part of the Curriculum.

To enrich the curriculum and educational experiences, we organise school trips, visits or workshop activities throughout the school year. To enable these events to go ahead we need to ask for parental contributions towards the cost of the activity. These contributions are voluntary, however on some occasions events may not go ahead due to insufficient funds.

Calculating Charges

The level of voluntary contribution for certain school visits or events may preclude some parents/carers contributing. Therefore, at this time it is considered that the maximum contribution of £20 per child should be requested. The cost to the school should not be above this amount unless additional monies have been secured.

The basis for calculating contributions will be proportionate for each participating child for travel, entrance fees, professional fees or other relevant costs.

Pupil Premium children are not expected to contribute towards trips/events.

Parents can be offered the choice of a flexible payment plan which will be agreed by the school office.

The principle of best value will be applied when planning activities that incur costs to the school and/or charges to parents/carers.

If appropriate and funds allow, the school or PTA may pay a proportion of the costs in order to support a visit. Parents/carer have a right to know how each trip is funded.

Full details can be found in the Charging Policy on the Policies page