We have governor vacancies! See the community page for more information.

The School Uniform

The school has a uniform.  It is based on the colours, grey, white and navy blue, for example:

  • navy blue sweatshirts, pullover/cardigan
  • white or blue polo shirt, blouse or shirt
  • blue/white checked or striped dress
  • grey/blue trousers, skirts, shorts or pinafore

Our site is on many levels and has lots of steps and stairs throughout the school. Therefore it is essential that sensible shoes (waterproof, closed toe and secure fastenings) are worn to school. 

Uniform is also available from My Clothing and the school receives 5% cash back on all purchases through this site. This can be accessed from this link  My Clothing.

More information about My Clothing can be found here My Clothing Information

It is not essential that children wear school logoed items though most choose to as it helps creates a shared identity and common sense of purpose.

We also ask that any long hair is tied back and no jewellery is worn except for plain stud earrings.

Weather appropriate clothing

The weather can be changeable, very quickly therefore it is essential that you send your child in with appropriate clothing.

Please send your child in with a coat, ideally with a hood, every day. We aim to get the children outside as much as possible even if its raining. A pair of wellies can be kept in school as well to make use of the school field even in the winter months.

During warmer weather children must bring a hat into school to wear at play time.

P.E. Kit

This year we are lucky to be working alongside a fantastic external agency, Premier Education, to run many of our PE lessons. To maximise the time we have with them, we are asking for the children to come dressed in their PE kits every Tuesday. This will enable the children to spend less time changing and more time taking part in the PE lesson. PE kits will need to be returned to school on a Wednesday morning so that the children have their PE kits in school for their second lesson later in the week. 

Most of our PE takes place outside taking advantage of our big, flat playground. This does mean that the children need suitable clothing. 

What do they need to wear. 

A plain t-shirt 

A hoody or jumper

Black, grey or navy leggings, tracksuit bottoms or jogging trousers

Trainers suitable for running around (not boots, slip on shoes or school shoes)

Please ensure that every item has their name on it.

Our full School Uniform Policy can be found on the Policies Page

Pre-loved Uniform
We also have a pre-loved uniform rail in the entrance to the school hall. Uniform can be bought for a donation to the school funds. We are happy to accept good quality second hand uniform that is no longer required, please ask the school office before dropping any off.

The RWB Youth Network also offer good quality pre-loved school uniform. This is a free service and uniform is discreetly delivered to the school. You can find out more information here RWB Local Youth Network