Mrs Smith works Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday and Mrs Baker works Thursday.
Teaching Assistants
In our class we have Mrs Thatcher and Mrs Bullock who helps to support the children throughout the week. Mrs Clark and Mrs Edwards will also be in class during the week to support the children.
Water bottles & dinners
Wellies & clothing
We will be making use of the outside area and the field during this term, and it would be very helpful if children could bring in a pair of named wellies to leave in school as the field can get muddy. We also ask for all children's clothes to be named as it helps us if anything goes missing
PE kits
The children will have PE sessions twice a week, these are on Mondays and Tuesdays. PE sessions will be both outside and inside. The children will need their PE kits in school ready for Monday to practise getting changed for the lesson and they will then go home wearing their PE kit (with their school uniform in their PE bag). On Tuesday, please send your child to school wearing their PE kit. As the weather turns colder, the children will need tracksuit bottoms and a PE jumper as they continue to use the outdoor space for PE. We appreciate that getting changed is tricky, but we do encourage the children to begin to get changed independently, so practicing at home will help this run more smoothly and build their confidence.
with the Children
Each week the children will bring home a decodable reading book (with words that can be sounded out) as well as a story from our class library. We give the children decodable books so that they can practice their phonics skills and the same book is read 3 times at home so that the children can read the book aloud confidently. We will begin by sending a book home without words for you to share together. The library book is for you to read and enjoy with your child. These books are changed weekly. Please write in the reading record to acknowledge when your child has read at home. The children receive raffle tickets for reading 5 times a week. The raffle is drawn at the end of each half term and one child from each class will receive a prize!