Outdoor learning
Each term every class has one Monday afternoon of outdoor learning with Mrs Clark and their class teacher. This is because we believe that children’s physical and emotional well-being are paramount if we want them to learn. Being outdoors, appreciating nature and noticing seasonal changes is something that we want our children at Wootton Bassett Infant’s School to always discuss and enjoy. 
These sessions include a physical and active warm up followed by a focus book. The children will then spend time observing their natural environment closely. After that they will complete an activity outdoors.
Finally, they will complete outdoor yoga and mindfulness before ending the session.

We started our outdoor learning by getting physical and playing leaf tag. We loved sitting and listening to a story outside.
In small groups we looked around our environment and observed signs of Autumn. We scrunched up colourful autumn leaves to make leaf confetti which we added onto our wands. We then took some time to relax and unwind in our outdoor
mindfulness session.
We love outdoor learning and sometimes we will get mucky so make sure you remember your outdoor clothes on your day!
Outdoor Learning Day
In addition to outdoor learning afternoons, we spend other time outdoors developing our learning and the curriculum. The EYFS children use the outdoor area all day, every day to develop our play-based curriculum.
Every year the whole school enjoy an outdoor learning day when even assembly is outdoors!
Vale View Gardens
We are fortunate to have Vale View Gardens at the end of our road and this is a community space that we are able to use to teach our curriculum through outdoor learning.