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Assessment complements and assists teaching and learning; it plays an integral part in each teacher’s planning and enables the evaluation of current practice as well as pupil achievement. High quality formative assessment is an essential part of teaching and learning. It ensures a whole school approach to the provision of an excellent education for all children at Wootton Bassett Infants and enables teachers to deliver education that best suits the needs of their pupils. 

Children’s progress is closely monitored at Wootton Bassett Infant School in order that we can provide the best possible opportunities and highest levels of support and challenge for all children. All assessment activities aim to ensure that the children are able to make excellent progress in their learning whilst taking into account the needs of individual children. 

The aims and objectives of assessment in our school are: 

  • to enable our children to demonstrate what they know, understand and can do in their work; 
  • to allow teaching teams to plan work that accurately reflects the needs of each child; 
  • to help our children talk about their learning and understand what they need to do next to improve their work; 
  • to provide regular information for parents that enables them to support their child’s learning; 
  • to contribute towards accountability data. 
  • to ensure timely intervention to ensure any gaps in learning are quickly reduced.
  • to inform school leaders, governors and other key stake holders of the performance of the school in line with National expectations.

The Early Years Foundation Stage

Within EYFS, we use a range of strategies to gather information about the children’s learning and development and use this information to ensure that our planning enables all learners to progress.  Each child has an online learning journey using the online platform Tapestry.  Observations are gathered here along with examples of work, photographs.    

Observation and Assessment in EYFS

In the first six weeks of joining Wootton Bassett Infants, all children take part in the Reception Baseline Assessment.  In addition to this the teachers use the knowledge gained about each child through observations, school-based assessments and interactions to make their own baseline judgments in all areas of learning. These ‘best fit’ judgments are based on descriptors set out in the ‘Development Matters’ 2021 document. This information is recorded within the whole school assessment tool; Insight and is updated throughout the year by the class teachers. Through termly pupil progress meetings with the head teacher and SENCO, assessments are closely monitored to ensure that all children are making good progress. Opportunities for moderation with other settings in the local area happen annually, alongside termly moderation across the key stages within school.

In the summer term, teachers complete the EYFS profile for each child. Teachers use their professional judgment to assess each child’s attainment in relation to the 17 Early Learning Goal descriptors.  

The results of the Profile including whether the child has reached a good level of development are shared with parents and carers. All information is shared with Year 1 staff including each child's characteristics of effective learning, in order to ensure a smooth transition into KS1. 

The EYFS profile results are reported to the local authority, who monitor and moderate the judgements made.

Year One phonic check

All children in Year 1 will participate in a statutory phonics screening check. This assessment is administered by the Year 1 teacher(s). Results are included within the Year 1 end of term report. Any children who do not pass the screening test in Year 1 will retake the test in Year 2, administered by the Year 2 teacher. The Headteacher will monitor both tests. 

End of Key Stage 1 Assessments

Children in Year 2 are no longer assessed using statutory assessments (known as SATs). The children are teacher assessed using a combination of observations, book/work scrutiny/ moderation activities and professional judgement. Parents will be informed about their children’s progress in the annual report and information about the children will be discussed during transition with the feeder Junior school. 

At Wootton Bassett Infant School assessment is an integral part of the teaching process. It is used to inform planning and to facilitate adaptations to the curriculum. The assessment of children’s work is on-going to ensure that understanding is being achieved and that progress is being made. Feedback is given to the children as soon as possible, and marking work will be guided by the school’s Marking Policy. 

Our Assessment Data can be found here:

Assessment Data 2023-2024

Assessment Data 2022-2023

The link to the school performance tables’ service can also be found here.

School Unique Reference Number (URN): 126235

Keeping you informed

Parent meetings are held twice a year. These meetings give you the opportunity to meet with your child’s teacher and discuss your child’s progress. We welcome your interest and hope that you will not feel it necessary to wait until an open evening to see a member of staff if you are at all concerned about your child.

We also provide annually, a written report on each pupil to give parents an overall view of their child’s progress.

At times, special meetings and workshops are held on specific subjects or educational matters.

For full details about the suite of tolls used to asses the children please see our Assessment policy