Come to our Open Morning - Wednesday 25th September 9.30-11.30 or Open Evening - Monday 4th November 6-7pm

Life at School

A Typical School Day

Our school day starts at 8:50am and finishes at 3pm, Registration is from 8:50-9am. If you arrive after this time you will need to ring the buzzer at the middle gate.

Children in Poppies & Daisies class are dropped off in the top playground and children in Bluebells & Buttercup class in the bottom playground. If you have children in more than one class, please drop off your eldest child first.

At 10:15 we hold a whole school assembly in the hall.

Morning playtime is from 10:30am until 10:45am.


Lunchtime starts at 11:55am with Poppies & Daisies class eating first, followed by Bluebells at 12:20pm and Buttercups at 12:35pm. Lunchtimes for all ends at 1pm. If the children are not eating, they are outside on one of the school playgrounds.

The school day is defined as: 9am to 3pm which equates to 30 hours per week.

Drop-off and collection

All the children finish at 3pm and parents/carers are encouraged into the playground.

Poppies & Daisies classes are collected from the top playground and Bluebells & Buttercups are collected from the lower playground. If you have children in different years please collect your youngest first.

If your normal arrangements change (e.g. you are delayed or another person is collecting your child), please let the school office know. This avoids confusion or upset. 

A Typical Year

In September we welcome our new EYFS children into school. Our first whole school event is our Harvest Festival, and preparations for our EYFS Nativity very soon after. Christmas is a very special time at Wootton Bassett Infants' with Christmas parties and (hopefully) a visit from Santa. Finally our Christmas story telling and carol singing around the stable takes place on the school field at night-time.

Spring sees the arrival of incubated eggs in school and the staff and children eagerly await as the chicks hatch out. Throughout the year, we enjoy school trips and also invite visitors into school to enhance the curriculum. This might be a pantomime group, a storyteller, Indian dance groups or African drummers.

The summer term is hopefully a chance for the children to make more use of the outside space with lots of exciting play opportunities involving making dens, and finally to take part in our whole school Sports Day on the school field. The children compete in mixed age group teams with the aim of winning a highly prized medal!

Our School Library

We are incredibly lucky to have a fantastic new library, fully stocked with wonderful books. Each class is allocated a slot during the week to spend some time in the library.

We are so proud of the new building, in fact we have even been mentioned in the book ‘The Arts in Primary Education’ by Ghislaine Kenyon. 

“Wootton Bassett Infant School has recently built a new library, a ‘house in the trees’: a sort of wonky cottage on stilts, which, as you approach up its wooden staircase, makes your heart beat with the same feelings of anticipation, delight and wonder that a good book does. Even more wondrous for a six year old, will be the treetop walk, which will eventually link the library to another school building. This architecture communicates a sense of unbounded adventure, echoed in the external balcony spaces and the picture windows both of which look out over the extensive Wiltshire countryside.”