Come to our Open Evening - Monday 4th November 6-7pm


Wootton Bassett Infants’ School Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is a registered charity, run by volunteers. All parents, carers, guardians and staff are automatically members and are welcome to attend our meetings.

What we do

The PTA arranges events all year round, having fun with the children and raising funds for the school. Any monies raised is spent on equipment and experiences to enhance our children’s time at school.

We don’t make decisions about the running of the school (that’s the job of the Governors).

In previous years we’ve raised money through:

  • Our Summer Fete
  • A stall at the Wootton Bassett Christmas Lights Switch-On
  • Bag2School
  • Lolly sales in the playground on hot days

Helping the school - in recent years we’ve either fully funded or contributed towards:

  • 16 Google Chromebooks for classroom use
  • 2 interactive whiteboards and 8 iPads for the teachers
  • A new playground shelter for the Reception play area
  • Colourful playground markings for the top playground
  • New books for each class
  • School discos
  • Each child’s school book bag

PTA Committee

We have a core PTA committee, made up of the Chairperson, Co-Treasurers and Co-Secretaries. We also rely on plenty of helpers throughout the year to assist with our various events.

Contact us: or feel free to approach any of the PTA core team in the playground. 

Easy Fundraising

If you shop online, please check out It’s quick and free to register and every time you shop (with Amazon, Argos, Sainsburys and LOADS more) you could raise money for the school.

Did you know there is a Facebook group for parents and carers of children at the school? Find us by searching ‘Friends of Wootton Bassett Infants’ School’. You’ll need to be approved by one of our admins for security reasons, so please bear with us if it takes a few days to join.

So far this year we have raised: