Come to our Open Morning - Wednesday 25th September 9.30-11.30 or Open Evening - Monday 4th November 6-7pm

Miss Pearce

Miss Pearce works Monday to Friday. 


Teaching Assistants
Mrs Davies is our Teaching Assistant all day Monday and Tuesday & Wednesday mornings

Mrs Edwards is our Teaching Assistant on a Friday. She also works every morning on a 1 to 1 basis.

Mrs Thomas is our Teaching Assistant on a Thursday morning.
Miss Fairbanks also works in the class on a 1:1 basis.

The Year 2 teachers cover one another's PPA, so your child may be taught by Mrs Anderton or Mrs Hughes during the week.

Please could you support your child by listening to them read daily and recording their reading in their Reading Record. There is an expectation that you will read with your child at least 5 times a week. Every child who does this will receive a raffle ticket towards a prize draw at the end of each term. They will bring home a phonic decodable book which they should read at least 3 times before it is changed to build up fluency, expression and intonation (tone and expression when reading)


The children will be expected to write in the cursive font and will be continuing to learn how to join these letters.  Please continue to use Letter Join to practise the font.


The children will also be given spellings to learn each week. The spellings will be sent home in their Spelling Books on a Friday and should be practised during the week and returned to school on Thursday. Your support with reading and spelling is very much appreciated.

Y2 Common Exception Words


Please continue to encourage your child to practise counting and writing their numbers 0-100. Also familiarise yourselves with the Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs) which can be found on the school website. Children are assessed termly in maths using a mixture of formal and informal ‘quizzes’. 


PE will take place on a Tuesday afternoon with Mrs O'Daly and on a Wednesday with Mrs Hughes. Children will wear their PE kit into school both days.

Water bottles

Please ensure your child has a named water bottle with them every day. These will be sent home daily to be cleaned and refilled with water, as per the school policy.

Miss Pearce Class Information